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Cannabis is illegal in all but 14 US states. My state IL, has medical use permits. I do not have one and don't plan to seek one.
So, at 51, and in my current situation and life rolls, I abide (often reluctantly) by the jurisdictional laws.
I will say that current performance is no guarantee of past performance...or something like that...and add that If I resided where laws did not criminalize it, I'd probably have a jar full of gummies in the pantry.
"Momma momma, many world's I've known since I first left home."
Big supporter of cannabis/psychedelic law reform. Avid daily user. Also a very big supporter/enjoyer of psilocybin mushrooms. Tend to avoid societies accepted poison, alcohol....maybe a drink or so a week.
I'm a workout nut/jiujitsu practitioner, my health always come first. That said, I have no issues w/ cannabis or any of the handful of other plant based psychadelics that have been used by humans safely for thousands of years longer than the current laws have existed, for recreational or spiritual purposes.
Been training in the gi for 2 or 3 years now, previous to that focused more on MMA, so between that and wrestling I had alot of grappling experience going in.
Prefer Jiujitz over everything now, its amazing. Its certainly not for everyone, but if youre the type that would take to it (and no matter what you think, you have no idea if you are until you try...)....it can do amazing things for you all around.
that's what I've heard, I took a few classes a couple of years ago and ended up having to get leg surgery ( not related to jiujitsu) and never went back.. its been one of those things that's been on my mind for awhile.