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NexusFi - abbreviated NexusFi


NexusFi is the largest futures trading community on the planet, with over 120,000 members and adding more than 1,000 every month. More than 15,000 of these members are Premium Members (called “Elite Members”) which requires a one-time fee of $100, and reflects the seriousness and commitment of these members. This in turn gives a vested interest in our community by these members, which naturally creates and encourages a positive environment.


Our goal has always been and always will be to create a friendly, positive, forward-thinking community where members can openly share and discuss everything the world of trading has to offer. The community is one of the friendliest you will find on any subject, with members going out of their way to help others.


In addition to being a futures oriented trading community, some of the primary differences between NexusFi and other trading sites revolve around the standards of our community. Those standards include a code of conduct for our members, as well as extremely high standards that govern which partners we do business with, and which products or services we recommend to our members.


June 2009, the community began as Big Mike Trading. Big Mike, a nickname from high school, was a NinjaTrader futures trader and active in the NinjaTrader community and other trading forums. He started his own blog in 2008, and a natural progression was to create a full website where traders could share ideas. Not being too creative at the time, it was simply named "Big Mike Trading".

Big Mike describes his reasons for creating a new trading community:
"I was fed up with the other trading communities that existed at the time, and the seemingly never ending rude behavior that was running rampant in those communities. I felt I could do better, and Big Mike Trading was born."

Our community has excelled at being a friendly environment for traders to help each other, with an excellent "signal to noise" ratio. Over the years, our community has grown at a rapid pace while other trading communities experienced major downturns.

October 2015, the next step in our journey together was announced. We shed our old name, conceived of when the site was made up of only a few dozen members, and embraced a new name that better reflects the core of our community -- NexusFi -- predominantly futures traders.


Mike Boulter, or Big Mike as he is known on the site, has been trading most of his life -- beginning at the age of 18. Born and raised as a Texan, he moved to Ecuador at age 36 to fulfill his life-long dream of retiring in a place with beautiful weather and a view to wake up to every day. In Ecuador, he found both -- ocean views, and a perfect climate.

Mike has been a "computer guy" since age 10. His professional career outside of trading was in the information technology sector, and his hobbies always included continually evolving his knowledge of computers and programming languages.

Mike founded the community knowing he could do better than what was available for traders. Relying heavily upon his technical skills, programming knowledge, and trading expertise, he created the community and to remains active in it.

You may have noticed a dog theme throughout the site with user avatar photos. This began because of Mike's love of Labradors (he has three). In fact, since 2009, Mike has always featured a Labrador as his avatar photo alongside his posts in the community.

Mike Boulter, Founder of NexusFi


We do have limited availability of site sponsorship positions. These sponsorships include traditional banner creatives, and are significantly supplemented by trading webinar opportunities, lead generation tools, and site events that offer sponsors exposure to their core audience.

If you are an industry leader wishing to reach your core audience, you can contact us today to receive a media kit. Our rates range from $5,000 to $15,000 annually and have limited availability. We do not accept any type of referrer advertising.

Contributors:  Big Mike ,  steve2222 

© 2024 NexusFi™, s.a., All Rights Reserved.
Av Ricardo J. Alfaro, Century Tower, Panama City, Panama, Ph: +507 833-9432 (Panama and Intl), +1 888-312-3001 (USA and Canada)
All information is for educational use only and is not investment advice. There is a substantial risk of loss in trading commodity futures, stocks, options and foreign exchange products. Past performance is not indicative of future results.
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