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-- Big Mike, Site Administrator
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We're going to try a new monthly challenge that rewards the member with the most "Thanks" received during posts made that month. The reward is choice of $50 Amazon gift card, or $149 Free Elite Membership coupon (if you are already Elite, you could give it away).
You can win once every six months (going to try this to make it fair).
I'll maintain this thread to keep a list as we progress.
Over the past year (or two) I have observed anecdotally that the post-Europe close time, through lunch, has many times provided directional, trending (or, squeezing) moves in the ES. Additionally, I have observed that some afternoons we are just stuck …
3rd: @Blue Eagle (76 thanks, post #893581 highlighted)
This is gonna be a post and a half...it's for me as there is a ton of stuff that I wanna record...and maybe, just maybe, someone behind me on the path (hard as that is to believe today) they might learn from my mistakes if they care to read.
This …
@GFIs1 please respond with your choice -- a $50 gift card from Amazon, or a $149 coupon for free Elite Membership to give away to whom you choose.
For January and the rest of this year we will continue this monthly challenge.
@GFIs1 will be excluded for the next six Thanks challenges, as per the rules for the winners.
A little New Year update. First I hope you are all well, rested and ready for action. 2024 ahead and maybe, just maybe some Bullish action??? Or more sideways? I can build a case for either really.
So for 2023. I did a lot of travelling early in the year, which did reduce my trading. (Out of office >25% of the year). I did make sure that I was at my desk for what are normally my most important days. (Natgas bidweek).
I decided to take a step back and take a position early (in a pullback) to speculate on a breakout from 6 week balance
This was no 4 of trying to get through this area and we had a nice inflection point below …
Congratulations @Blue Eagle! Please respond with your choice -- a $50 gift card from Amazon, or a $149 coupon for free Elite Membership to give away to whom you choose.
I'm a big proponent of having a written trading plan. I'm in the process of reviewing and rewriting the plan I have in place. I'm making it easier to answer the question "Did I follow my plan?" by using the"SMART" plan framework.
The …
3rd: @supertradersam (146 thanks, post #895469 highlighted)
I would like to share my every day actions, as my trading journal here, two reasons 1) it benefits me to look back 2) helps others. I hope market god supports me to continue this for the whole trading community.
Have fun, excited .
-- …
Congratulations @wldman! Please reply to let me know if you want the $50 Amazon Gift Card, or the $149 Elite Membership coupon code to give to whomever you wish.
Given those two choices, I'd LOVE the Amazon gift card. Thank you Mike.
For some reason I thought the "prize roster" was topped by these: 2024-03-02_15-34-47
I endure multiple e-mails from these guys everyday. I was thinking of finding a NT user and doing a joint venture...because who wouldn't want to turn $500 into a quick $10,000 in a few weeks trading /ES. Imagine what I could make if I put up a million?
Seriously though, did something happen to the prize roster?