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Profit Target as Percent Gain

Discussion in EasyLanguage Programming

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  #1 (permalink)
Posts: 3 since Oct 2010
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Help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm trying to exit a position at a 15% gain using easyLanguage.
Here's the relevant pieces of the code:

condition3 = Price > (EntryPrice * 1.15);
if condition3 then
Sell("LE 15% Gain") This Bar On Close;

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  #3 (permalink)
Posts: 3 since Oct 2010
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After poking around I found the solution. I'm rolling the account, so I'm using "initialcapital+netprofit" elsewhere in the code. Here's the relevent code:

variables: x(0);
x = initialcapital+netprofit;
setprofittarget (x * 0.15);

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  #4 (permalink)
kronie's Avatar
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excellent answer,

I have often wondered how to set a percentage as a target instead of a fixed interval as such

perhaps this can be shown with examples of how to implement it?


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  #5 (permalink)
Gurnee, IL
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kronie View Post
excellent answer,

I have often wondered how to set a percentage as a target instead of a fixed interval as such

perhaps this can be shown with examples of how to implement it?


I did not really test the following code, but it should put you in the right direction. The code example show two ways of determining a dynamic profit target. The first is based off the current ATR while the second is a percentage gain of current net profit.

    ATRfactor( 2 ),
    ATRLength( 13 ),
    PrcntGain( 15 );

ATR = AvgTrueRange( ATRLength );
MP = MarketPosition;

// Enter new trade on golden cross

If ( average(Close, 50) crosses over Average( Close, 200 ) ) Then
    Buy ("Gold Cross") next bar at market
Else If ( average(Close, 50) crosses under Average( Close, 200 ) ) then
    Sell ("Death Cross") next bar at market;
If ( MP = 1 ) Then
    // Set profit based upon Average True Range
    ProfitTarget$ = ATRfactor * ATR * BigPointValue;
    SetProfitTarget( ProfitTarget$ );

If ( MP = 1 ) And ( NetProfit > 0 ) Then
    // Set profit based upon percent profit
    ProfitTarget$ = ( NetProfit * PrcntGain / 100 );
    SetProfitTarget( ProfitTarget$ );

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Last Updated on November 17, 2010

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