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I have been using DMIC2059 for sometime now. It is helping me to stay on the right side of the market. . But, it requires patience, time and effort to understand it and then incorporate it in your trading. I think it is worth the money, time and effort.
I have been using DMIC2059 for over 8 months. This is the only tool I know of that gives me the roadmap throughout the trading day by combining both time of the day and price trend. There is a learning curve, but worth learning the key timings and corresponding market behavior. They just did a Ninja webinar https://ninjatraderecosystem.com/webinar/exclusive-intraday-theory-of-time-momentum/
I have been watching his videos and webinars, and like his big picture view. Would you ne able to post a recent chart, the charts he uses in his webinars are all relatively old.
How is the information in his manual? There seems like there is a lot to learn.
Keep things as simple as possible, but no simplier. Albert Einstein
If you can't explain it to an eight year old it's to complicated
i wonder why he does not have a 30 day free trail to this grounding braking tool. in most cases when there is not a free trail , grab you re wallet and run do not walk away is the best advice . Bob West i notice the members supporting this new grail have never done much posting before. smells just a little fishy .
It appears that he’s obfuscated some relatively simple concepts into complex jargon and added voodoo magic AI to sound impressive. AI is a buzzword that should make you instantly suspicious especially if there’s no elaboration. I’m on mobile so I just eyeballed it, but count the number of bars that separate the first blue projection rectangle from his first orange candle. Now, count the number of bars between the orange candles. This pattern repeats on every one of his charts. So you know that the orange bars mark 2 hour intervals and the first projection occurs 35 minutes before the first 2 hour mark. Notice where the second projection occurs: always after the second orange candle. Once you figure out his little twist things become more clear. One twist could be where he starts his projections. For example: Do the projections start a price extreme or is it also time based? He’s blanked most of the time axis so :shrug:
it very well may be useful . my point from a marketing stand point was he will not get many takers at the price he wants to test it out. in most cases when a trading vendor is marking expensive third party software and or training with out a trail ( its only useful to the vendors check book 99.9 % of the time. )
From what I've gathered, the indicators are supplemental to his framework of analyzing the markets and once you know that you don't really need his indicators as they appear to be more of a visual aid with an exception to one or two. That is why IMO he can't offer you a trial of the indicators.
Key Support & Resistance Prices generated by up to the minute feed-back
Very interesting and opaque terminology and he still uses VWAP.
Since everyone who has tried it has glowing reviews but are very clear in stating that it takes a while to learn how to use it, I wonder if they're at this point wildly profitable, just profitable enough, or consistently losing money.