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I am currently using ThinkorSwim to trade but commission is killing me. I use TradingView for charting but trading through them is iffy. I want a platform I can trade on that will show entry position on the chart, set take profit and stop loss after the trade is entered and show those on the chart. Also I would like to be able to drag the stop and take profit orders on the chart to where I want them after the fact. I am looking at Interactive Brokers TWS but the simulated trading seems iffy. Is there a platform that will accommodate what I want?
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NinjaTrader does a great job in respect to what you're looking for and it will even let you place OCO exit orders automatically via the ATM (with the possibility of a trailing stop). It's very easy to use and commissions are good. It's also very fast as long you're not using a lot of resource consuming indicators with a ton of charts. You can give it try for free.