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Curious if anyone has had any experience with this. The results from last 2 months seem promising for trading on NQU2024. Just not a big fan of bots but this one peaked my interest. $200 per day on 50k prop account seems perfect but will it hold up? It seems it signals trade from tradingview and auto enters on tradovate accounts. Maybe other brokers too. It uses some 3rd party service called TradersPost.io that I'm not familiar with.
Can you help answer these questions from other members on NexusFi?
If I would have such a bot I wouldn't tell anybody and trade it to the moon. I would soon own the world, just imagine.
The problem with such bots, and other systems, is that they will work for some time depending on market conditions and fail miserable at other times thereby losing all the profits (if any) and more.
However, you can make money from it by selling the bot or even better by renting it out on a subscription base and trying to attract new customers (who think they can become rich by buying some magical system) to replace the ones who run out of money.
Yea I agree with that! I've also tried bots over the years and they are never as consistent as a good trader. Might try it though. I think they have some free trial period.