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Most definitively, TOS is one the best all-around platforms available. I will not go into the reasons I feel this way, but one of the lesser ones is that I have it open now, on a Mac, with no virtualization needed. Pretty cool...
I had reason to contact TOS today with two questions, that turned into two more requests added to my wishlist.
- Allow users to see what Workspace they currently have open. I've created several, and I'm in the middle of building-out other ones on two computers now, and it would be most helpful have a Workspace label/s. And when it's time to save it, having this info is also quite important. The TOS rep totally agreed and put forth this request...
- Allow users to see and adjust the ATR in Keltner Channels. As is stands now, and TOS just confirmed, the ATR is tied to the chosen SMA / EMA period selected. So, if one uses the default / standard 20 SMA, the ATR is also 20 period. A 10 or 14 period ATR is fairly commonplace, along with a 20 period MA, so not the same. An example from StockCharts:
Middle Line: 20-day exponential moving average
Upper Channel Line: 20-day EMA + (2 x ATR(10))
Lower Channel Line: 20-day EMA - (2 x ATR(10))
I asked TOS to "free-up" the ATR in the Keltner Channels, and make it independent of the MA...
- Related to the Workspace label request above, and not from today's call, allow for tabbed Workspaces, or the like, so multiple Workspaces can be accessed quickly just via toggling (MultiCharts does this very well, as example). As it stands now, users must go to the Setup button (not very intuitive), drop-down, choose Workspace.
- Add a study (lower) that reveals put / call ratio data. TOS already has this data as I have it in several Watchlists. I'd like very much to have a historical, visual depiction of this ratio for the selected symbol, as well choices for broader markets.
- Add a study (lower) that reveals the number of new highs and / or lows for the NYSE or NASDAQ.
- For users that have linked accounts, allow them to name those accounts in the left panel, home area. I have 5 linked accounts, IRA's, Coverdell's, etc... Would be great if one could name them accordingly.
- On the Scan tab, allow for the combining of selections in "Scan in". As example, scan against the S&P 500 and Naz 100 (approx 540 symbols, dups removed). One can "intersect" between choices, namely for common symbols, but not combine them...
- One of the more minor ones, but since I remember... Where on TOS can one see the 10 year note, characterized as a %, now at 2.2%. I found the "TNX", but that reads at a 10x, or 22.0. As I said, minor, but would be nice to look at my "US Market Overview" Watchlist and see it as I've always seen it over the years...
I think I might have a couple more, and if I remember or find them, I'll share...
Any outstanding requests from others?
I have generally found TDA / TOS to be responsive to my requests. I sense that email is better in that one can be more clear, and it is more easily forwarded or shared with others: [email protected]
- Actual tick data! VP does not reveal accurate data otherwise... See Monkey Bar & Volume Profile thread. If this is important to you, email the President of TOS: [email protected].
- Allow users to have certain, specified stocks (from a personal list or S&P 500, Naz 100, etc) on their Earnings Calendar (MktWatch tab). Unless I'm mistaken, as it stands now, when looking at the Earnings Calendar, one sees all stocks in the NYSE & NASDAQ. I just want to see, as example, those in the S&P 500 and Naz 100, potential mkt movers...
I am looking for a cumulative volume indicator similar to the Weis Wave for TOS or Ninja. Seems you might know where I may be able to source one. Thankyou in advance
Wish I could help traveller. Not sure why you thought I'd be able to... I only see a Cumulative Volume Index on TOS and to be honest, I have not previously heard of the Weis Wave, but after looking at it, I'm interested - so thank you. Reading more on it now...
Do you use the Wave Volume ThinkScript? Seems that it was just recently released...
No worries- Im kinda new at this also- I understand the Wyckoff principals well indeed but cummulative volume similar to David Weis gives one more aspect to the markets- that of Force (very important IMO).
Glad I found this forum/thread.. Here are few from my wishlist
* add position cost-basis field to the monitor screens (both positions & statement) .. It's already available on the web view, highly important
* add all Greeks to the Analyze screen (to help construct Gamma/theta-based positions)
* in charts, identify the name of the current style of each chart on the chart title bar
* fix the issue of custom studies disappearing between TOS sessions
* ability to use same workspaces between paper money and live accounts
* resizable left pane in TOS
Also I miss the old Trader on the iPad, new version is buggy and has smaller chart space..charts are less useful if I can't choose different colors for different MA lines or BB... Sorry if that's off-topic
I loved TOS on first sight, so hoping these wishes can make it through,
Cheers, RedK